Spa Services
Massage Types
Swedish Massage - the most popular form practiced. It is used for therapeutic use, relaxation and stress reduction. Long gliding and gentle kneading techniques are used to release tension in tight muscles.
Deep Tissue - a combination of medium to deep pressure focusing on trigger points to stimulate and release soft tissue tension.
Chair Massage - a fully-clothed, relaxing, stress-reducing and body relief massage for one's soft tissue problem areas.
30 Minutes - $45
45 Minutes - $60
60 Minutes - $75
75 Minutes - $90
90 Minutes - $105
105 Minutes - $120
120 Minutes - $135
**Discount applied when you book more then one appointment a month**
Chair Massage - 10-20 Minutes at $1/Minute
Body Treatments
90min - $120+
This service is a one and a half hour facial for your whole body. During this treatment we focus on cleansing, exfoliating, and hydrating the skin. During the treatment, we will cleanse the area to warm and soften the skin. The exfoliation process removes dead skin cells that build up overtime due to cold weather, sun exposure, and basic wear and tear on the body. This will leave your skin feeling smooth and velvety soft. Full body treatments are beneficial for everyone!
Consult with a doctor before booking it you: are currently pregnant, diabetic, have eczema, active acne, ulcerations, phlebitis and/or have large wounds. This treatment should not be done immediately following a wax.